My Vault keeps track of your estate while you are alive, to help others trace it when you are not.

Surely a will does this..?

Your will only states WHO will inherit your estate. My Vault tells them WHAT it is and WHERE to find it!

My Vault is a fully managed service (by real humans) combining a cloud-based digital storage platform that creates a high-level data statement of your assets, liabilities and product providers, with an integrated reminder system where we contact you regularly to keep your records accurate and up-to-date.

When the time comes, your personal data statement from My Vault will provide your legal representatives with a list of all your assets providers, creditors, properties, insurance policies, utilities, pets, and all your important contacts to allow probate to proceed quickly and save your beneficiaries time, stress and expensive legal fees.

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A £15 billion problem!

In 2019, an estimated £15 billion pounds of unclaimed assets were lying dormant in various accounts belonging to deceased people in the UK.

Why? Nobody was aware of them.

Everyone wants to know that their loved ones will be taken care of when they are gone, and that everything you possess and have worked hard for will benefit them instead of sitting unclaimed in an unknown account.

Planning for our own death can be uncomfortable, but how do you feel at the thought of your loved ones having to trawl through boxes of documents, spending stressful weeks emptying entire rooms and cupboards trying to find a mortgage statement or details of your life insurance provider, before spending their evenings looking through countless websites trying to trace online accounts?

Would it not set your mind at rest, knowing that all your important information was kept in one place, somewhere where it can’t be accidentally lost, stolen or destroyed?

Would you not breathe a sigh of relief knowing that, when the time comes, your loved ones could quickly, easily and painlessly track EVERYTHING down ensuring ALL your legacy is securely passed to those you care for, instead of adding to the £15 billion of unclaimed assets?

Welcome to My Vault.

See our FAQ section for the full £15 billion story!

How does My Vault help me?

It is a useful tool for keeping track of your financial affairs.

We will remind you, a few times each year, to review and update your personal and financial details as your life situation changes to keep your records up to date.

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My Vault can save time and effort when you need all your financial details in one place. It’s great when chatting to your broker about a new mortgage, seeing your bank to discuss a new loan, and meeting your financial advisor to discuss your pension and investments, as you will have much of the necessary information at your fingertips

How does My Vault help my Beneficiaries?

Simply list that you have an account with My Vault in your last will and testament, or make those close to you aware that you have an account with us. (We issue you with a certificate once you open an account)

With this information, your executors can contact us and apply for your personal data statement from My Vault. Once they have passed our stringent but straightforward security process, we will provide them with all your stored information.

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Your personal data statement provides your executor(s) with all the information they require to locate all your assets and liabilities making sure everything is traced and rightfully goes to those designated in your will, or those designated by law if you die without a will.

Your personal data statement also provides a list of important people like guardians, trustees, power of attorneys, solicitor, financial advisor, mortgage broker, accountant and funeral director.

How does My Vault help with probate?

The quicker your lawyer can trace your assets and liabilities, the less will be taken from your estate during the probate process in fees trying to trace your estate, and the more of your wealth will be left for those you leave behind.

Crucially, none of your estate will end up languishing in that enormous £15 billion pot of unclaimed assets.

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And it’s not just assets – any liabilities you may have like a mortgage, loans, credit cards, buy to let mortgages or even self-assessed taxation, can be listed and therefore quickly tracked down and dealt with, saving your loved ones the emotional and financial stress of a sudden demand for money they did not know was owed or worse, your remaining family members being threatened to have the family home repossessed because they don’t know who to pay the mortgage to, or finding themselves unable to obtain further credit because the mortgage payments have fallen in arrears before they could trace the lender, adversely affecting their credit score.

Simple, intuitive and beautifully crafted

As the internet grows and we live in an increasingly paperless society, the management of assets and liabilities is becoming more difficult. You can now hop onto your computer or mobile phone, buy stocks and shares, open bank accounts, take out a loan, etc, all without leaving a paper trail.

Gone are the days when a black folder held all your statements and financial information. How we keep track of our wealth, assets, and liabilities needs to reflect the way our consumer behaviours are changing.

In a digital world, you need a digital vault… My Vault!

Act now and secure your family’s financial future in 4 easy steps:

  1. Contact us to express your interest to open a My-Vault account.
  2. A team member will contact you by phone to answer any questions you may have and set up your private profile(s).
  3. We then conduct an in-depth phone review (or in some cases multiple reviews) in order to collect and create your Personal Data Statement. *Then every time we update your account, we send you an updated copy for your records.
  4. Once your first Data Statement is set up, and in order to keep things relevant and updated, we send out periodic reminders and conduct regular phone reviews with you.

Ahh, all done for you so there is nothing to worry about! You can sit back and relax knowing your beneficiaries will be looked after and nothing will be lost or go missing.

Yes, I’m ready to get started!

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The benefits of using My Vault

  • My Vault makes sure your loved ones and beneficiaries inherit your whole estate.
  • My Vault reduces the risks of scheduled payments going unpaid, preventing bad credit, loss of assets and other financial complications for your already mourning family.
  • My Vault reduces the risk of your family home or investment property being repossessed during the lengthy process of sorting out your estate, just because they didn’t know who to make the mortgage payments to.
  • My Vault reduces stress and heartache at a difficult time, providing a list of important people along with a comprehensive statement indicating all your assets, liabilities and other important information.
  • My Vault helps keep track of your financial affairs and makes the process of applying for more credit, a mortgage or dealing with your accountant, Legal Representative or financial advisor quicker and easier.
  • My Vault can help start tricky conversations with elderly relatives and give everyone the peace of mind of knowing that all their affairs will be in order.

Why My Vault?

My Vault is a revolutionary way of keeping track of your assets and liabilities.

It is risk-free:

  • 30-day money-back guarantee, so if you dont like what we do or the data statement we provide, simply cancel with no questions asked. But we can almost guarantee the relief you will feel once we set up your data statement.
  • For your own security, we only hold basic information on your file such as a provider’s name and account number (optional). We will never ask for your passwords or pin numbers and we ask that you do not store them in this account.
  • My Vault provides peace of mind. Our highly secure online storage vault prevents unauthorised access so your information and data are completely safe.
  • My Vault saves time and money by reducing the cost of the probate process, leaving more of the wealth to your beneficiaries.
  • We will provide to your acting Legal Representative or executor(s), a comprehensive list of all your assets and liabilities, allowing them to contact the relevant companies and follow the correct procedure to gain access to them. So, nothing is missed, lost or forgotten.

You are probably thinking that your Legal Representative or executor(s) will already have the information they need to track your assets and liabilities in your will, but do they?

Typically, a will records who receives what asset, rather than expressly stating what the asset or liability is, and where it can be located.

For instance, the will may indicate your son is going to receive all your savings, but if you have five savings accounts, and your executor only knows about two of them, your son is going to miss out, as all that money you worked hard to provide him sits in a mystery account.

Let’s get my legacy in order!

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Your information is safe with us

  • My Vault’s secured servers are equipped with the latest security measures and redundancies, backed up on a cloud meaning that even a hardware failure will not compromise your data.
  • Our cloud-based infrastructure uses load balancing to distribute the traffic across several clusters giving you as much as 99.9 percent uptime and the reliability you need and want.
  • Our site is SSL secure. A protocol for web browsers and servers that allows for the authentication, encryption and decryption of data sent over the Internet. SSL protects websites from phishing scams, data breaches, and many other threats.
  • We use some of the most advanced website-security available. We do daily malware scans, detection, and removal, Google blacklist monitoring & removal, Malware and attack prevention with WAF.
  • My Vault will also never ask you for passwords or other confidential information that could provide access to your accounts or policies, ensuring that only you, your Legal Representative or your executor(s) gain access.

Don’t Delay!

Death is one of the few certainties of life, however unpleasant it may be to think about, it often comes without warning and at the most unexpected time. Many of the £15 billion left unclaimed in the UK belong to people who never got around to thinking about organising their affairs before it was too late.

Act now to ensure your family and loved ones don’t suffer from unnecessary stress and anxiety above the grief of losing you, and rest assured that your legacy goes where you want it to.

Single / Joint Plan

£9.00 per month + VAT

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  • We can cover Singles, Couples or Married Couples
  • List each person’s individual assets, liabilities & providers, as well as those jointly owned.
  • You have the benefit of keeping all your collective assets, liability and other important information in a single location, allowing you easy access when needed. So, nothing is missed, lost or forgotten about.
  • **Over 170+ data points covered and growing!

Frequently Asked Questions

As of 2019, around £15 billion in unclaimed assets was lying dormant in various accounts belonging to deceased people in the UK.

Why? Simple - nobody was aware of them.

The 21st Century has seen a rise in online banking and savings, paperless accounts and an increase in people with multiple pensions from various jobs. Between these factors, insurance policies, credit cards and Buy To Let investment, it can often be difficult to keep a full track of exactly what assets and liabilities you may have.

Think now – how many providers or institutions do you use in total across all your bank accounts, savings, ISA’s, pensions, life insurance, credit cards and so on? How long would it take you to recite them all and how many can you not quite recall? Now imagine your family trying to track them all down if you were to suddenly pass away – how many might they miss?

You may have recorded all your current assets. A list on a piece of paper, a spreadsheet on a computer or flash drive. But what if these were to be lost or destroyed? And how up to date are they, even if you do have them?

The process of Probate – tracking down all a person’s assets in order to distribute them according to their will – can take months, sometimes years.

That time is extended not only by the complexities of finding each and every asset but also when assets are found after Probate has been granted when the whole process must be started again.

Your will – if you have one – will only say who you want to benefit from your estate. It doesn’t give details of what that estate is made up of or where to find it all.

Nobody wants to think about the day they die, but everyone wants to know that their loved ones will be taken care of in the best way possible when they are gone.

Wouldn’t it be nice to know that instead of having to trawl through dozens of documents, websites and accounts, your loved ones could simply have access to all the information they needed in one place?

Wouldn’t it set your mind at rest to know that place would be constantly updated, ensuring that when the time came, all of your legacy would be securely passed to your nearest and dearest?

And wouldn’t it take a load off to know that information was in a place where it couldn’t be accidentally lost, stolen or destroyed?

Welcome to My Vault.

“My-Vault” is a safe, cloud-based platform that sits alongside your will, and creates a list of your assets, creditors, properties, insurance policies, utilities, pets, and all your important contacts. We have over 170 data points covered and growing!

Update it at any time as your life situation changes, without the need to make material changes to your will.

Simply list that you hold a My Vault account in your will and testament. With this information your executors or legal representative can contact us and apply for a statement of your account. Once they have passed our stringent security process, we will provide them with a copy of your My-Vault data statement. This statement will provide your executor or legal representative with all the details the need to trace your whole estate.

This will make sure everything is traced and rightfully goes to those provided for in your will.

It’s stress-free, saves time, and unnecessary legal expenses. The less time your legal representative or executors take to track your estate, the less probate may cost, and therefore more of your wealth will be left for your family, and where you want it to go.

The founders of My-Vault have over two decades of experience in the financial services industry. They understand that people’s distribution of wealth is rapidly changing and expanding in a multitude of ways, and there is a need to track and trace its growth.

Over the last 20 years, the management of assets and liabilities has become more difficult as the internet has grown and we’ve started to live in an increasingly paperless society. You can now hop onto your computer and buy stocks and shares, open bank accounts, take out a loan, etc, all without leaving the comfort of your chair, and without leaving a paper trail.

Gone are the days when a black folder held all your statements and financial information. How we keep a track record of our wealth, assets, and liabilities needs to reflect the way in which our consumer behaviours are changing, and that’s where My- Vault comes in.

1) Peace of mind knowing that all of your assets will be distributed to your loved ones when you pass away.
2) The security of knowing that mortgages, loans and tax liabilities will be identified quickly, preventing any nasty and costly surprises for your loved ones after you’re gone.
3) A useful tool that will make your day to day financial life so much easier, and constantly remind you to update this vital information and ensure that your records are always up to date, reflecting your latest financial position.
4) The reassurance your information is in a safe, secure location where it cannot be lost, stolen or destroyed, and where it is easily accessible to those who need it when the time comes.
5) The knowledge that more of your estate will go to those you love, and less to lawyers and other experts in fees as they seek to trace all your assets.

All this for the cost of a coffee and cake every month!

The cost of using My-Vault is simple and straightforward.

It's based on a rolling monthly subscription payment and covers either a single or joint user. There are no start-up costs or upfront fees.

There is also no need to purchase any hardware or software.

Simply click on any "Contact Us" button and complete some basic details to express your interest in My-Vault.

A team member will contact you by phone to answer any questions you may have and set up your private profile(s).

We then conduct an in-depth phone review (or in some cases multiple reviews) in order to collect and create your Personal Data Statement.

Once your first Data Statement is set up, and in order to keep things relevant and updated, we send out periodic reminders and conduct regular phone reviews with you.

Well.....if you don’t keep track of your assets and you pass away without the executor or solicitor having any knowledge of it, you will be adding to the UK’s £15 billion pounds of unclaimed assets. Your subscription fee will be minimal in comparison to an unclaimed savings account with thousands in it, or maybe a life policy worth tens of thousands of pounds.

What is the peace of mind of knowing that ALL your estate goes to your loved ones worth to you?

The cost to you, in reality, is less than the price of Starbucks coffee and a piece of cake each month, but the true value is immeasurable.

The real value to you is peace of mind: you’re not leaving things to chance. You’re not making half-hearted attempts of tracking your assets and liabilities using excel, or random bits of paper shoved haphazardly into a black folder that could be anywhere. That just isn’t safe! What happens if they get lost, burnt, destroyed somehow, or stolen?

Do you keep your important documents on your computer? What if the PC fails, passwords are forgotten, or the hard drive gets corrupted? Even if your family knows where to look, would they be able to find or even access the information?

My-Vault is a highly secure online storage space, its safe, secure, and will always be available to your loved ones when the time comes. All the information they need is in one document.

You’re getting complete confidentiality using electronic means to deliver the documents to your family after your passing. It’s more cost and time-effective than scrambling around trying to find hard copies of everything.

Using our platform and the more up to date you keep My-Vault, the less chance there is of assets and liabilities being overlooked, lost, or unclaimed.

Once the information has been uploaded into My-Vault, it will be securely stored there indefinitely until it’s required by your legal representative. or executor.

If you use My-Vault and keep it up to date, you’re guaranteeing that your loved ones and stated beneficiaries will inherit everything noted in your data statement!

We offer a 30-day money-back guarantee after signing up just in case you are not satisfied with our service.

We know you will love us so much that won't want to leave, and when you see your first personalised data statement, well, we will blow your mind. So we offer no minimum contract and no penalty if you decide you don’t need us any more.

You simply list that you have an account with My-Vault in your last will and testament. With this information, your executors are then able to contact us and apply for a statement of your account.

Once they have passed our stringent but straightforward security process, we will provide them with your My-Vault statement.

This statement will provide the executor with all the details they require to be able to identify where all your assets, liabilities, and things like utilities are held. This will make sure everything is traced and rightfully goes to those provided for in your will.

It’s stress-free and will save an enormous amount of time. This can translate into reduced legal expenses.

The quicker your legal representative can trace your assets and liabilities, the less will be taken from your estate during the probate process in legal and search fees, and the more of your wealth will be left for your family, and where you want it to go.

Crucially, none of your estate will end up languishing in that enormous £15 billion pot of unclaimed assets.

And it’s not just assets – any liabilities you may have – loans, credit cards, Buy to Let mortgages or even self-assessed taxation, will be able to be listed and therefore quickly tracked down and dealt with, saving your loved ones the stress of a sudden final demand for money they may not otherwise have even realised was owed.

Once they have passed our stringent but straightforward security process, we will provide them with your latest My-Vault data statement.

This single document provides all the details they need to track down your whole estate. Things like your savings, assets, liabilities, and death in service.. We can cover over 170 data points and the list is growing!

This will dramatically reduce the stress and time taken to track everything down, making the probate process much easier to sort out.

If you keep My-Vault up to date, this will also ensure all your whole estate is passed on to your family and beneficiaries, so nothing will be lost or left to chance.

Using electronic means to deliver important documents to your family after your passing away is clearly more cost and time effective than them scrambling around trying to find hard copies of everything you owe or own.

In fact, the more up-to-date you keep My Vault, the less chance there is of savings, assets and liabilities being overlooked, lost, unclaimed or settled.

STOP and think. If you died right now, would it take an expensive investigation by your executors and legal representative to track all your financial affairs?

Are you willing to risk parts of your estate being lost because you kept everything in an old grubby folder, or in a spreadsheet nobody can find?

Can you even remember what money you have where without sitting down and thinking about it?

Do you have frozen pension plans or income bonds you simply forgot about? How many credit or debit cards do you currently have sitting in your wallet or in a safe place, and with how many banks? What about savings, bank loans or life policies?

Don’t become a statistic! Every year, billions of pounds are unclaimed because no one knew about them. Don’t let this happen to you and your loved ones!

If you are thinking: “This won’t happen to me as I have a will”, think again.

Your will tells your executor who gets what.. But it does NOT tell them what it is and where to find it all!

Consequently, huge amounts of wealth can be lost during the probate process. Wealth you have worked hard to accumulate that will not benefit your loved ones after you die.

And this is tragic.

Remember, any unclaimed estate will eventually go to the Crown if the rightful beneficiaries can’t be found. This includes any property, money, personal possessions and anything else that you owned.

My-Vault’s secured servers are equipped with the latest security measures and redundancies, backed up on a cloud meaning nothing – even hardware failure – can compromise your data.

Its 3 easy steps.

1) Sign up today - Contact us to express your interest to open a My-Vault account.
2) A team member will contact you by phone to answer any questions you may have and set up your private profile(s).
3) We then regularly help and remind you to keep your information updated over the years

Relax in the knowledge that your beneficiaries will be looked after and no one else will be getting your hard-earned assets!

We take your data protection extremely seriously. Once a bit of information has been uploaded into your My Vault account, it will be securely stored there according to our terms and conditions. For more information, please refer to our latest Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy. We are also registered with the ICO (Information Commissioner’s office).

Before you have a family discussion about inheritance, you need to have a good idea of your financial position and your intentions:

1. Who do you want to receive your wealth?

It sounds simple enough, but potential beneficiaries don’t always realise they will be sharing their inheritance with others, such as grandchildren, charities or friends. While this may result in a difficult conversation, at least you will be helping your beneficiaries be more realistic about their financial future. This is where will writers are really beneficial.

2. Establish how much you are likely to pass down?

This is quite complex, and it’s worth seeking advice from a financial planner. Firstly, you should write down the total value of your assets, where they are held and how they are invested. (As an aside, it may be worth considering consolidating accounts to minimise paperwork and administration for you moving forward.) Then you need to calculate how much you think you will need for the future. Obviously, this is hard to predict as you don’t know how long you will live and how healthy you will be, but it’s good to make some predictions. Lastly, you need to consider how you would fund possible care expenses if the need arises.

3. Gift now or leave for later?

Once you have been through this exercise, you should have a better idea of how much money you have, how much you will need, and how much you could potentially gift now. *Always seek professional financial, tax and legal advice before doing this.

4. State your wishes

Do you want to have a say on how the assets are spent or used? Are you happy to provide an outright gift with no conditions attached? State your intentions now so that your beneficiaries know what to expect.

5. Plan to minimise inheritance tax (IHT)

With the help of a financial adviser, work out your IHT position (in total) and on each asset (individually) you have. Once you have this information, you can start considering how you can reduce your inheritance tax by reviewing all the different allowances and options available. You should also fund your expenses from assets that are subject to IHT, as this will help reduce your taxable estate.

6. Leave a guide as to where to find all your assets and liabilities.

This is where My-Vault really comes into play!

We do not charge to produce a data statement when someone has passed away. Your monthly subscription covers the administration of this.

If its a joint account, the second account holder can simply contact us for a copy of the data statement.

If there is no second account holder, or both account holders have passed at the same time, the deceased's executors or their acting legal representative can contact us and apply for a copy of the deceased's data statement.

Once they have passed our stringent but straightforward security process, we provide them with a copy of the data statement for free.

*Please note there may be charges if an account is in arrears. Please see our terms and conditions for more information.

Start organising your information today!

Contact us on 0330 223 6676

Or alternatively, send us an enquiry using the form below:

    By clicking 'SUBMIT' you indicate that you have read and understand our Privacy Policy in line with GDPR regulations.